May 3, 2024
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Using Two-factor authentication is a great way to protect your online accounts but it can get a bit messy sometimes as you need to have your phone so you can receive a OTP via SMS or set up an app like Google Authenticator which can generate codes offline.

But the people at New York Startup Typing DNA has come up with an idea to make it a lot easier
and it now works as a two-factor authentication tool right in your browser.

Essentially, their service will recognizes your typing pattern, which the company tells Tech Crunch is unique to each individual. Typing DNA will measures how long it takes someone to reach a key, and how long you keep the key pressed down and this pattern will then be associated with a user’s account.

The extension will has you type in your username and password and will log you in only if your typing pattern matches up to the original. So that if some one want to use your credentials to access your account they wont be able to log in.

Once you log in, you can set up two factor authentication (2FA) for a variety of popular services like Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon etc with Typing DNA  and the extension will surface the necessary codes when you need to access those services without using your phone.

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