Starting 1 Jan 2020, WhatsApp will stop working on older mobile devices globally as the company has withdrawn support for such phones.
The users on Windows Phones will be locked out forever after December 31, said Facebook. WhatsApp will stop working on millions of phones in the next couple of months as the company withdraws support for some older mobile platforms.
Facebook said: “From February 1, 2020, any iPhone running iOS 8 or older will no longer be supported, along with any Android device running version 2.3.7 or older.”
Earlier this year, WhatsApp’s updated its FAQs where it said that users whose devices have those operating systems can no longer create new accounts, nor reverify existing accounts after that date.
Users of these operating systems are already unable to create new WhatsApp accounts or re-verify existing accounts.
This change is expected to have even less of an effect on users since only about 0.24 percent of mobile phones around the world, according to Statcounter, use a Windows operating system.
Also, WhatsApp is withdrawing support for all Windows phones from December 31, 2019 — the same month that Microsoft ends support of its Windows 10 Mobile OS said Facebook.