On Thursday, Kings XI Punjab player Chris Gayle, announced that he will play his teamโs next match, against Royal Challengers Bangalore. Gayle, who is yet to play a game this year, was hit by a stomach bug due to which he had to spend a few days in the hospital.
In a video post on Twitter Gayle said: โTo all the fans out there, the wait is over. The Universe Boss is back. I know you all have been waiting for such a long time, the wait is over unless something dramatic happens to the Universe Boss again, which I hope not.โ
Gayle said: โYou know it is still possible. I know we are at the bottom of the table but it is still possible. Seven games to go and we believe we can win all seven, it is still possible. I urge each and every one of the guys to still have the self-belief, like I said the only way we can go is up, it is only up from here. So gonna do it and we can do it.โ
Gayle is likely to replace the out-of-form Glenn Maxwell in the line-up.