Intel is about to be introduce its 9th generation processors in October. While Intel’s 10nm Cannon Lake chips have been delayed until 2019, this year’s refresh will be based on improvements to the existing 14nm process. Wccftech reports that Intel will introduce new Core i9, i7, and i5 chips on October 1st that will be branded as 9th generation processors.
The mainstream flagship processor, Intel’s Core i9-9900K, is expected to ship with 8 cores and 16 threads. Leaked documents show that this will be the first mainstream Core i9 desktop processor, and will include 16 MB of L3 cache and Intel’s UHD 620 graphics chip. Even Intel’s 9th gen Core i7 processor is expected to ship with 8 cores and 8 threads, with the Core i5 shipping with 6 cores and 6 threads.
Intel will be launching its unlocked overclockable processors first, followed by more 9th generation processors early next year. If October 1st launch is accurate, then we should expect to see these processors available in a variety of machines later this year. Of course, anyone building their own rig will want to see exactly how Intel’s latest processors compare to AMD’s Ryzen chips in gaming and other tasks before parts are picked. We should start to see answers to those questions later next month.